*Reserve List* Indonesia, Sumatra Asman Gayo Mill Microlot

*Reserve List* Indonesia, Sumatra Asman Gayo Mill Microlot

Orange blossom, oolong tea, peach, papaya, mango

Coffee from the Pantan Musara villages in the Pegasing district of Takengon is delivered to the Asman Gayo Mill where it is carefully processed. This particular lot has an elevation ranging from 1300-1650 MASL and is harvested by smallholder farmers in the area.

The community in the Pantan Musara villages were displaced from their homes and land several years ago due to a natural disaster and since then have rebuilt their lives and farms with a new focus on coffee. Unlike the vast majority of other Sumatran coffee mills, this mill is producing washed coffees, as well as naturals. The new processing techniques are part of the development in the specialty coffee scene that has been emerging in Indonesia over the last couple of years.

Origin: Indonesia

Region: Aceh, Sumatra

Farm: Asman Gayo Mill

Altitude: 1300-1650 MASL

Varietal: Ateng, Bor Bor, Catimor, Timor

Process: Washed Process

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